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[ Demand & Energy Information System » FAQ]

1) If I forget my password and my question/answer entry during DEIS system registration, who do I call?

Call Olize Singleton at 713-207-3525 (or Email Olize at o.singleton@centerpointenergy.com)

2) When I request for 12 months of history, how long should I have to wait while logged into DEIS?

If your property is serviced by a standard dial-register meter (typically used in residential homes), you should be able to either print or Email the data on-line during your login session. If your property is serviced by an interval data recorder (typically used in industrial and large commercial businesses), then the data request will be Emailed.

3)  Once the capability to set an account that can view demand and energy usage data for multiple service locations within the same DEIS login, how long will it take to approve such a request to be able to view multiple accounts?

Typically, we should be able to approve a request for setting up multiple accounts, referred to as a Major Account in DEIS, by the next working day. This would be for requests for multiple accounts. If more time is required, we will call you or send an Email message.

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